Nicolas Pierre


Fiche identite

  • Pierre Nicolas
  • Auteur Bookelis depuis janv. 2019
  • Nombre de publications : 42



Born in Africa, Nicolas Pierre resides in Europe.

Writer and speaker, specialist in the New Evangelization, he intervenes in varied cultural contexts on the five continents of the global world.

He devotes himself essentially to writing to participate freely in the announcement of the Good News of the Gospel, inalienable right of every human being to hear it without any discrimination, which can nourish integral anthropology.

He proclaims the primacy of the vocation to transcendence of every man on the planet with his intrinsic dignity and the inestimable gift of divine life offered to all.

He testifies to the eternal Alliance ordered to the service of every human person and intended to guide them to perpetual happiness in the Kingdom of Heaven which is unity in diversity, without uniformity.

Nicolas Pierre's spiritual writings are shared and dedicated contributions to the spherical, integral and diffusive concept of the New Evangelization which are part of ecclesial communion, the communicative circularity, the safeguarding of creation, the common good and the digital culture associated with synodality.
