You have probably heard about people making hundreds of thousands of dollars simply by
marketing a product on the internet. There are thousands of books out there telling you how to
"get rich quick" on the internet. Most of them are bunk. This is not to say that you cannot make
a tidy profit on the internet. In fact, you can easily make a living working on the internet and
quit your day job. You don't need to invest a lot of money or have a Master's Degree in
marketing, either. You just have to know what sells and how to sell it.
A few years ago, I went to work at a job that I hated every single day. I have a high school
education and there was not a lot of opportunity open for me. Going to school to earn a degree
was out of the question - I have two children who I support solely on my own. I had neither the
time, money or energy to further my education. It was all I could do to get to work and pay the
One day, I found out that my job had been "outsourced."
The company that I had relied on to "take care of me,"
decided it was more important to save a few dollars and send
my job to another country. They gave me a few bucks and
told me to hit the road.
I was a 40 year old widow with two kids to support and no
education and little skills. I figured I would have to go on
welfare or get a number of low paying jobs just to keep a
roof over our heads. Then a friend told me how she made
money on the internet by creating a power house website and selling a product that people
wanted. Best of all, the product was her own creation. She told me that I could do the same.
I had nothing to lose so I figured I would take a chance. I vowed if I made it, that I would help
others in the same position.
Today, my house is paid for. I have money in the bank as well as in various retirement funds.
My son is going to college in the fall and I'm able to pay for it. I have a brand new car and we
took a trip to Hawaii last year. And I work from home.
How did this happen? I took my friend's advice and started my own website, peddling my
knowledge. This is something that anyone can do. And now I'm making good on the promise
that I made so long ago and am willing to let you in on my secrets on how to make e-marketing
website profits. This book is a step by step guide that will teach you everything you need to
know about creating the product you are going to market, getting a domain name and creating
the website. I will then tell you every trick in the book about how to promote your website and
your product.
This is not a get rich quick scheme. This takes a bit of work. I was tossed into this lifestyle
unwillingly because I lost my job. But you can do this in your spare time until you get to the
point where you can quit your day job. If you take the advice in my book and follow the simple
formula on how to become successful with e-marketing, I guarantee you that you will begin to
make money.
Although this takes a bit of work, it is not difficult work at all. And you don't need to be highly
educated or even tech savvy to be able to make money using my system. I'm far from either and
I did it - so can you.
So let's get started with lesson one on how to get e-marketing website profits!