If you've been around internet marketing for any period of time then you
will have undoubtedly come across a LOT of sales funnels...
Quite simply, a sales funnel is a series of offers that are presented to the
prospect/customer and tend to increase in both price and value.
The idea is that as someone goes through the sales funnel they become
more and more engaged and spend more and more money.
A typical sales funnel works like this...
At the 'front-end' is a free product to capture people's interest.
In order to grab the free product people have to sign-up and hand over
their email address - and in turn they are added to an email list/database
of prospects.
After the person is added to the list, they can then be sent other related
offers that they might be interested in.
Immediately after signing up for the free product the prospect will
typically be presented with a low priced offer (called an 'upsell' or 'one
time offer')
Here they're moving into the 'back-end' of the funnel.
If they buy this low priced offer then they will then be offered another
related product at a higher price.
If the person buys the higher product they are then offered another
product at an even higher price.
... and so on.
As the price of the products increases, so does the value being offered.
For example, the free and low-priced upsell product might be a short 30-
40 page report or eBook...
By the 3rd or 4th upsell they might then be offered a personal coaching
program charged at $497 a month.
The idea is that as people go through the sales funnel they become more
and more engaged and spend more and more money.