Did you know that many people don't know that generating traffic is the next
important thing to do once you have constructed a website? It's unfortunate, but
it's true.
This is more than likely the cause of a considerable amount of spam sites.
New entrepreneurs start a site, wait for traffic to come, end up disillusioned with
Internet-based business - and instead look only to generate traffic, rather than to
produce a decent site with reasonable content and products.
So why doesn't traffic immediately stream in after someone sets up a website?
The primary reason is that traffic has to come from somwhere. It doesn't just drop
out of the sky.
When it comes to "free" traffic, such as organic search engine traffic, that takes
There are an estimated four MILLION sites on the Internet. And guess what?
You're competing with those sites for positions on search engines.
Now, what's important to note is that getting "traffic" isn't all that hard.