You might wonder why it's a good idea to build a list. After all, it probably
seems like a lot of work to find prospects, get them to accept emails from
you, and find new things to send out to them on a regular basis.
You might also think it will take a lot of hard work to get people to buy. You
know that you can't just send them low-grade content and expect them to
buy simply because you sent them an email.
And if you think these things, you're right: building a list is very hard. And
making sales from lists is also hard. It takes time and it takes attention to
detail to do things right. And this is exactly why many marketers never do
But that is their mistake. You aren't going to make that same mistake.
Building a list and marketing to it is one of the most profitable things you
can do in IM; and this guide is going to show you how to do exactly how to
go about it.
So why is building an email list a good idea? There are many reasons, but
these five are probably the most important:
i. Building lists allows you to reduce the cost of acquiring new
customers. Contrary to what you might think, it is much, much
cheaper (on a unique-sale basis) to presell and pitch to one person
until she buys than it is to pitch to different people until one of them
ii. Building lists allows you to maximize the profit that you generate
per customer.
List Building From Scratch
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iii. Having a list means that you can participate in major launch events.
Next time there's a big launch, you can benefit by being one of the
first affiliates to offer the product.
iv. Having a list allows you to test your copy. With a captive audience,
you can run controlled experiments to test your copy's conversion
rate before you pay to send the same advertisement out to a larger
v. Having a list allows you to bring more to the table in future joint
venture partnerships. Rather than simply offering to do part of the
product-creation work, you can now offer to market the completed
product to your list.
For these five reasons and many, many others, list building is one of the
most profitable things you can do as an Internet marketer. Not only will it
help you to monetize your current sites better, but it will also open up new
avenues for partnership and marketing.
With that said, let's get started.