Writing Rich Marketer Poor Marketer has been a determined effort...
we have written this eBook with the intention of making people aware
that becoming rich is not something that is too difficult to do, not
with all the tools that we have at our disposal right now. What does
becoming rich mean? For us, it means having enough money to meet
our needs. Not having to worry where the next installment or bill will
be paid from. Having a security of work and steady income. Most
importantly, being rich is the power to be able to do what we want
with the people who mean the most to us.
This is what we think being rich actually means. But, a lot of people
have an entirely wrong idea. They think it is an uphill task to become
rich--they think they cannot do it without having some amazing skill
or talent or getting a lucky break from somewhere.
Lucky breaks do not happen. They need to be created. Opportunities
need to be created. And this eBook is where you learn how you can do
that... how you can gain control of your own life.
In Rich Marketer Poor Marketer, the first thing you will see is how to
improve your mindset, because that is the most important thing. You
have to remove the thought of the inferiority complex that you have
created for yourself and move on with confidence. You have to make
adjustments in the way you think. Being rich may not require
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supernatural talent in the way you think it does. It is all about putting
the right effort in the right place. It is all about living your life, and
planning your strategies, in the right manner. This eBook takes you
through a journey--a journey that tells you what you need to do in
order to get there.
This is the world of the Internet. The Internet has seeped into every
aspect of our being. We cannot refute that fact. And the rich marketer
cannot forget that truth either. In fact, the richest marketers of today
are people who have harnessed the power of the Internet to make
their lives better. They have grown, and they have expanded their
business to never-before limits, with the help of the power that the
Internet world provides them with.
That is the reason Internet marketing becomes a very important
aspect of the discussions that you will find in this eBook. You will find
that we talk about implementing the right marketing strategies that
can elevate your position in this world and take you to the pedestal
other people haven‟t reached before... at least not on such a sure
One of the other things that have been given great importance to in
this eBook is the art of reaching out to your niche. Contrary to what
most people think, the niche does not already exist. A rich marketer
will try to create this niche. They will develop the need for their
business within this niche and that is how they tap into the vast
potential that a highly targeted niche can provide them with. In this
eBook, you will see how you can create a niche within a niche. The
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narrower you go, the higher your chances of successful sales will be.
Your demand will increase, and as the demand for your product
increases, you will become a richer marketer.
Another very important thing is that you have to build a brand name
not just for your business but also for yourself. You have to make
yourself popular. You have to create a scenario in which even if you
launch a new product or a new business, your name will pull it along
and make it successful. Like all other successful people out there, you
should be able to run your business on the strength of your name
alone. People should start to anticipate your next product. Is that
possible? Yes, this eBook tells you how you can go about it.
So, prepare to read this eBook. As you read it, keep your mind open.
Let the ideas flow. The eBook can just give you the raw material to
think... the eventual visualization and implementation is your talent.