When you create a new website or try to promote a new website, you
are joining a huge throng of hundreds of millions of other websites
and blogs that are all competing for attention.
In short - they are all competing for possibly the most important thing
on the net - traffic.
Going out and trying to convince people to come visit your website
can seem tedious and discouraging.
Advertising your products and services via pay per click or banner ad-
vertising can get very expensive and often doesn't yield high quality
results, yet until recently this was probably the most popular way of
trying to get visitors to your website.
But now with the huge popularity of social networking sites, things
have changed a little.
There is a better way.
Going on to extremely popular, high traffic websites and posting
there, with a link back to your site, gets you in front of a huge audi-
ence and lets you borrow some of the traffic from that site.
One of the most popular, regularly visited sites today is YouTube.
According to Quantcast.com, they are now averaging 73.5 million vis-
itors a month. That's a lot of visitors, even by astronomical internet
People who do business on the internet are increasingly adding
YouTube to their marketing strategy. It's a medium that's difficult to ig-
However, there's a right way and a wrong way to use YouTube, and
we are going to tell you how to take advantage of YouTube's massive
traffic correctly, so you can steer some of it your way.