If you type a term in the search engines and press the 'enter' key, you receive
a summary of website results which include that search term. Have you ever asked
yourself why a select number of these web sites rank much better than others? If
so, then you definitely should know that it's because of a powerful online
marketing strategy called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Online marketing happens to be one of the greatest ways for businesses to
broadcast their message to people searching for their services. Regrettably,
because the web has now become home to an incredible number of businesses, it is
very hard sometimes for new web sites to score well in the search engine ranks.
SEO is really a technique which helps SE's (search engines) find and rank your
website better than the majority of other websites in reaction to a search
In last ten years, SEO has been changed drastically with an enormous growth in
competition. Becoming as experienced and knowledgeable in this subject as
possible, therefore, can only be of benefit to all businesses who advertise
In this ebook, we aim to give an overview of some different aspects of SEO and
provide a selection of resources for further study. SEO is not difficult but,
like anything worth learning, it does take some time and application before you
can start to see results. Rest assured, the results you will get from successful
implementation of SEO will pay back all your efforts in learning it many times
Hopefully, by the time you have finished reading this ebook, you will be more
aware of the opportunities SEO presents to you and more confident in your
ability to do it yourself.