Fact: If you want more out of life, you need to be ready to commit more and invest more
into staying fit and eating right.
While there have been innumerable diet plans and exercise programs sprouting like
mushrooms nowadays -- all claiming to provide the fastest results - we all know the basic
equation to staying fit and healthy is regular exercise and proper diet.
It has been called by many names, defined in so many ways and presented in so many forms
but all health and fitness programs boils down to these two: DIET and EXERCISE. There is no
other way to go about it - not, if you want lasting results.
And yet, despite this common knowledge on what needs to be done to stay fit and healthy,
most of us struggle not to fall off the wagon, and many still have to contend with the
frustrating battle of beating the bulge.
The weight loss industry has become a highly lucrative market, with food manufacturers,
nutrition experts, and plastic surgeons all feeding from the growing desperation and
depression of overweight and obesity.
But while the equation to fitness and health is so simple and straightforward, it remains a
great challenge. With the demands of daily living - work-related stresses, social pressures,
life changes, holidays, travels, winter seasons, and everything else in between - are all
contributing factors that can disrupt fitness routines and upset diet regimens.