The first trimester is very important for the mother
and the baby. For most women it is common to find
out about their pregnancy after they have missed
their menstrual cycle. Since, not all women note
their menstrual cycle and dates of intercourse, it
may cause slight confusion about the exact date of conception. That is why most
women find out that they are pregnant only after one month of pregnancy.
It is generally good practice to note the dates that you have had unprotected sexual
intercourse on. This will greatly help the doctor in calculating the date of
conception and the date of delivery. Plus, it will help you create a healthy diet plan
for yourself and the baby.
As mentioned earlier the first trimester is the most
important and critical one in every pregnancy. A baby
develops its vital organs like lungs, brain and heart, in
this trimester. Care taken in this trimester really pays
off during the whole pregnancy and even after delivery.
You are able to have a healthy baby and keep your body healthy during the whole
pregnancy and post-pregnancy period.