If certain experts are to be believed, we are currently
facing a crisis the likes of which we have never seen
before; we are being faced with a global obesity
Since 1980, the number of people suffering from obesity
has literally more than doubled, with there being 1.4
billion overweight adults, and 500 million who can be
considered as obese.
As far as children go, the numbers just keep on climbing,
with certain countries seeing more than a quarter of their
kids suffering from obesity. Long story short, if things
keep on going the way they do, then in a few decades
most of the world's population will be obese, if of course
we even manage to survive that long. In order to fight
this great plague it is important what it stems from... just
like with any huge problem, there are numerous causes
in play here.
For starters, we are leading increasingly sedentary
lifestyles. Long gone are the days when we ploughed
fields twelve hours a day or dug up coal in mines... long
gone are the days when most people had to dedicate
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their working time to physical labor. These days, most
people work sitting, or perhaps standing still, and
needless to say, there isn't much effort involved in that,
at least in a physical sense. The problem however is that
even though we reduced our level of activity we kept on
increasing how much we ate. As a result, our bodies
simply aren't subjected to enough exercise to burn all the
excess calories we gain, which leads to a noticeable
weight gain. However, a lack of exercising coupled with
overeating is not the only source of this problem.
Another cause for what we are observing today can be
traced to economic fluctuations in regards to food prices.
As it happens, in most cases, the cheaper a food is, the
more filling and unhealthy it is. More specifically, the fast
food industry is being referenced. Junk food restaurants
have established themselves in countless poorer countries
and economically-disadvantaged areas, providing people
with cheap and fattening alternatives that allow them to
save money. What's more, these alternatives are
sometimes even tastier. In the end, the point is that the
cost of healthy foods exceeds that of unhealthy ones.
Now with what we've just covered and as we begin this
guide, it's important to realize that the world is in a bad
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state, health wise. But you don't have to accept what is
happening in society. You are about to learn the 7 keys to
transform your body and quite literally it will transform
your life! So dive in, read, absorb and put into practise
exactly what you learn here and see the change happen.
You have the power in your hands to change your health
and live the life you want to, rest assured that in the end,
your body will thank you for it.