In this EBook I will try to demonstrate different techniques of yoga.
Especially if you have never tried it before then, this EBook will be the best
thing to start with because I am going to tell you very basic techniques of
yoga. If you want to define yoga then, you will come across different
definitions by different people.
Some people say that it is reunion of outer winds with the inner body and
some say that it is the way of getting inner peace. You will find one thing
common in almost every yoga definition that they talk about inner peace
and inner self in it. This is basic theme of yoga that you have to become
familiar with your inner person.
The basic meaning of yoga is union and you can say that it unites your
body, spirit and thoughts. There are so many techniques in this art of
exercise and all of these techniques are considered very effective but you
should start from basic because if you adopted some advanced technique
from start then, it will become difficult for you and you will lose control
over it.
All of these yoga exercises make you believe that you exist and you exist
with lots of strength and courage. It allows you to gather all of that strength
and courage and accomplish your goal in your life.